Vulgar way to describe teasing. See also "giving (you) a hard time," "pulling my/their leg," "bullshitting."
"Look at this guy with the plastic jacket!"
"What are you talking about? This is real leather."
"Relax bro, just giving you shit."
by Davis The Untamed May 16, 2022
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To be brutally made fun of, sometimes resulting in getting beat up. Originated on Leave It To Beaver.

Wally: Boy, Beaver, wait'll the guys find out you were hanging around with a girl. They'll really give you the business.
by saaadpanda November 3, 2007
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friend 1: damn she know how to give you the business dont she

friend 2: hell yea she did
by RapperEater August 14, 2008
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To give a female amazing head.
I'm going have to give you life girl .
by Experrtck January 11, 2016
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You don’t want to know what it means to give you the turtle!
by Froggy9400 April 24, 2022
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1) When the establishment symbolically strikes you or sodomizes you with a long, round, wooden pole because you do not fit into its machine for some reason.
If you are not genetically adequate, college will give you the shaft first by taking all of your money from you, and second by trying its best to fail you.
by AmazonBoobs2626 April 4, 2014
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