gan li yang ji-bai!
by Ben H September 17, 2003
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a Taiwanese Saying of "Drop Your fione panties and stir me up some PaiGooFan!"
"GAN wo da Pi Goo" Please fuck me in da butt!!
"Gan Ni Ma" Fuck JO mama!
by TaCaL May 15, 2003
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Goofy Ass Nigga Syndrome- A syndrome that affects those who act, look, or sound goofy or who think they are black. There is no know cure for GANS and it is know to be contagious.
The guy over there has a bad case of the GANS.
by BJ Wang February 22, 2011
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A delicious creamy custard desert that's not too aggressive on your pallet and can stand up on its own without needing structural support.
Damn, that gan is looking mouthwatering today.
by Not_Evilep0ptart March 7, 2022
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Twisted spanish-english term for "Willpower". In spanish, it's "Ganas"; filtered through english, becomes "Gans" (pronounced Ganz).
-"Hey Selin, how about we go to the Museum?"

-"Sorry, don't have the gans"
by Miljenko May 31, 2005
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Noun; Replaces any person, place, or thing in a sentence. This is typically used in a sexual context
I blew my gan all over this chick's face.
by Ian26 June 16, 2008
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