Funda is a female name of Turkish origin that means Heather.
A Funda is one of the most caring and loyal human you prolly ever gonna meet. They give the best hugs and every time the laugh you got no chance but to laugh with them. Also gives good advice and can kick your ass at the same time (and will do so if ever needed).
Person 1: Hey who’s the best person around here?
Person 2: Obviously Funda.
by KreesEY November 24, 2021
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F*** U N Da A**hole-B*st*rd
Slang word if you were mad at Teachers or just anyone who pissed you off. EXAMPLE "Marty and Jeff go to the the principles office right now" Response: FUNDA-BADDARD!! Pronunciation: Fun-da bad-dard
by MCLM91 April 2, 2014
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