An Expression You Say When You Aren't Interested On What The Other Person Is Saying
Where Is My Fuck Bag?: It's Like You Have a Bag In Which You Keep Your Fucks (Or What Makes You Care) But You Lost It Or Forgot It Home Or Something, As A Result You Don't Care

Person 1: Talks Non Stop About Why He Don't Like His Ex
Person 2: OH WAIT! Dammit I Forgot My Fuck Bag, So I Don't Give A Fuck
Person 1: Mentions Why You Should Buy His Insurance
Person 2: Where's My Fuck Bag?
Person 1: Excuse Me?
Person 2: I'd Like To Give A Fuck But I Can't Find My Fuck Bag!
by Some1One July 10, 2015
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An extremely filthy, highly promiscuous female. The queen of all skanks, mainly white trash.
by Missy January 10, 2005
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1) To have sexual intercourse with a douche bag.

2) To have sexual intercourse with a bag of something. Usually ended with a description of what is in the bag.
1). "Hey, are pregnant or just fat?"
"Fuck a bag"

2). "Wow you're really thin for a teen mom"
"Fuck a bag of nails"
by Brittany**<3 March 15, 2014
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Any act of putting an item into your inventory in a video game, especially if you're not going to use it.
First made popular by a popular YouTuber DeliciousCinnamon, this term comes from a blind idiot translation of Pokemon Vietnamese Crystal. Due to varying graphical representations of putting inventory items away, a real life act of bag fuck remains a mystery, much like recipes for volcano bakemeat and kuang steak.
As the term bag fuck is also being popularized by another YouTuber, Slowflake, it may become either a forced meme or a valid Internet forums term.
--Pokemon Vietnamese Crystal
by Minkovsky July 11, 2011
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