A very racist pejorative used against Asian (mainly Chinese) people, about as offensive as "chink" or even exceeding it. Has been used by uneducated folks for decades. Presumably its usage is declining cause, well, it's 2022. Get with the times.
Some random rowdy boys: Hey! ching chang chong!
Me: grow up.

Some random kid in the comments section: Hehe, asian crowd go ching chang chong!
Me: So unfunny bro 😬
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian October 19, 2022
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"Ching chang chong" is most commonly a way to impersonate the Chinese but may also be used as a slang word for a man's dick.
"Gimme some dat ching chang chong"
by Can'een April 4, 2017
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The noise your Asian friend (Theo) says when he/she is angry.
Josh: Theo you can't eat my dog
Josh: Okay Theo
by AntTehAnt September 30, 2020
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The sounds pots and pans make when tossed or smacked together, NOT to be used to insult a Chinese person. If you want to do that, talk about eating cats and dogs instead rather than saying and overused insult.
Jerry: "Hey Xiu! Ching Chang Chong!"
Xiu: "Shut the fuck up Jerry you Macdonalds hairline having fuck."
by TimeForACrusade October 29, 2018
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Stereotypical imitation of the Chinese language, used by white people everywhere.
Black White Supremacist: Let's talk about Chinese people... with their Ching chang chong talk... I can't understand you! Go back to your country! White power!
by Naggers10 August 17, 2017
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You urban racists have nothing better to do than search ching chang chong on urban dictionary.
8 yo Immigrant: Hi (-_-)

8 yr : oh you're like one of those ching chang chong people aren't you?
by popinddhh May 28, 2020
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When one of your friends is fucking you and his keys are jingling making a ching chang noise
Last night I went to Bobbys house and we did Ching Chang Wang
by Xbyforce January 23, 2016
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