Slang for a Vagina.
J: Aye yo Spanky?
Spanky: Not now man I'm in the booch.
by RampageXX March 28, 2010
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term for getting drunk with your friends, having a good time.
"Bro, I'm soo booched!"
"Kenny, are you booching tonight?" ..."Of course I'll be getting booched!"
by markyrokz February 12, 2008
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Derived from the word Bitch, originally used as a Derogatory word for a woman, now used to describe a cute girl or female friend or companion. can also mean "girlfriend"
1)if you saw a hot girl in a club u'd say: wassup BOOCH = wassup GIRL 2)Thats my BOOCH = thats my GIRLFRIEND
3)Those BOOCHES look cute = those GIRLS look cute
by YaYBoY March 29, 2006
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The act of kissing with one’s anus, Typically with another anus.
Bro last night at the party I was so drunk I ended up booching with Thomas, shit was crazy.
by Boochacho May 2, 2023
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To be beat
Did you hear about the game last night? Yeah it was pretty booch.
by Chef Lunchbox February 28, 2023
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she got a booch
by jrdn!! June 11, 2022
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The bestest friend one can ever have. Your A1 since day 1. Your one true friend that few are lucky to find in this lifetime. They will always have your back no matter how many times you mess up. If you push them away they will always comeback and be there for you. A Booche knows how to make you happy even on your worst days. They understand you when no one else does. They are there to listen to all your petty problems and help you to become a better person. If you are lucky enough to find a Booche in this lifetime don’t let them go.
Katy’s my booche, don’t be mad you don’t have one.
by Betty Sue Joe October 2, 2019
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