Same as shit, or awsome
Bloody hell, that hurt,
Bloody hell, that is a good game
by Drew May 28, 2004
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"Oh, what the bloody hell now?!" -Wilford Warfstache
by Opal Osher February 13, 2016
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What British people use in response to almost any slightly negative situation.
Bloody hell, my tires burst.
Bloody hell, my toast's burnt.
Bloody hell mate, that's rank.
by zydezu March 27, 2021
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A) british slang exclamation. same as "holy shit"

B) nice way of saying someone is on their period
A) BLOODY HELL, I spilled my tea!

B) boy: why is she so upset today?
girl: ....bloody hell.....
by Marissa December 15, 2005
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British in origin - now firmly owned by the Aussies. An expression of surprise, disgust, anger, amusement amoung some. Non-Brits and non-Aussies should be banned from ever uttering this word as it's usually over-used and mangled.

Pronounced: "Bla-dee Hell!"
"I stacked my car yesterday, mate."
"Aw, bloody hell."

"Where the bloody hell are ya?"

"I drank 22 tinnies yesterday."
"Bloody hell, mate! Didja chuck?"

by Katecake October 4, 2006
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this is when a girl is on her period and you still want to have sex. my girl is a heavy flow type of lady, so this works nicely for us: first, you put the keeper into the girls vagina. if you dont have the keeper, a cork will work just fine. next, you have sex with her, anally, to not cause a mess with the moist bloody vagina...sodomy being a sin, you're damned to hell for performing such an act, hence, the sex act termed Bloody Hell.
"i had a Bloody Hell of a time with Shenaynay this weekend!"

"i knew she was on her rag when she ordered up a double Bloody Hell with extra cheese"

"give her Bloody Hell, mate"
by OpmVag August 21, 2009
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and expression used to express frustration or anxiety. Made popular by the Buffy the vampire slayer's series character Spike. Introduced by the Brits.
*bangs knee on corner of coffee table* Bloody Hell!
by kung fu kitty June 28, 2003
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