Used by Muslim Jihadis when they’re about to commit a terrorist attack
*Ppl minding their business in a store*
Jihadi: Allahu Akbar!!
by AskJarl October 26, 2020
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(verb) To make something explode. When you hear it you better take cover or run.
"Allahu akbar!"
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, kaboooom!
by chinadude October 2, 2018
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You think it means "god is great" in Arabic, right?

You're kind of right, but wrong at the same time.

It actually is a phrase for people when some bomb or some shit like that is near you.
Muslim: الله أكبر (God is great)
bomb has been planted
Terrorist 1: ALLAHU AKBAR!
Terrorist 2: ALLAHU AKBAR!!!!
bomb explodes
by h2008 December 1, 2018
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Means "God is the greatest" in Arabic.
A terrorist's favorite phrase
Osama Bin Laden yelled "ALLAHU AKBAR!" before blowing up the building
by Mr.Explosions February 20, 2020
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When you drop da motha fucking bomb.
BOOM BOOM BOOM Allahu Akbar!!! Ahmed, get ready to drop the bomb... No, I told you to bomb Iraq not Iran there's a BIG difference............ Mohammed where's your bomb? Oops I accidentally bombed Iran, sorry............ No Abdul, that's my lunch not a bomb!!!! Fucking idiots...
by Funny Memes Inc. March 10, 2019
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Arabic for 'God is great' and is often use to signal Islamic terrorism. If you hear it JUST RUN RUN RUN RUN!
Allahu-Akbar! Allahu-Akbar!
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