xavie is used when someone, preferably mexican, is so straight they seem gay. either way, we love someone who is xavie
"Xavier is so xavie dude.."
by emiiz May 13, 2023
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Short kid who tends to have a short fuse and get angry, talks a lot and loves men.
I need some head rn
Call xavi!
by Factorial November 21, 2021
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Is a very good person, is quite height not and has alot of freidn2 and will never betray person is good
by ddadsad December 19, 2021
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person one : have you heard about xavi?

person two : yes! he's fromis_9 #1 fan!💜💜💜💜💜
by spiclover1293 August 12, 2022
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A Xavi is an annoying person, mainly male, who thinks that everything revolves around them, but you don’t know all this until you actually get to know them . On the outside they seem like the perfect surfer/Sk8er. In actuality and to conclude, a Xavi is nice for a hot minute but when you turn your back he sucks balls
Person A: I really like _____
Person B: be careful, they might be a Xavi
by Cherry Gasoline July 22, 2023
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xavi is a stupid name because stupid people are named after xavi.
Oh shit look it’s a xavi! Oh shit is that a dumbass no it’s xavi
by xaveysucksdick November 22, 2021
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