"tell me they look like turkeys"
by shanz0z December 11, 2008
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A country that's incredibly fun to be in because it's not quite European, but not quite Asian either.
If through some crazy events Asia and Europe went to war, they'd both bomb Turkey.
by Jimmy Kickarse August 19, 2006
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A turkey,turkey high five, or a turkey sub, is when person A offers a high five to person B, and person A changes his high-five to a thumbs up before person B returns the high five. This causes a high ive that looks like a high five. Person A then shouts, "TURKEY!!!" and laughs while it takes a while for person B to get it.
Bob: High five, Carl!
Carl: ...
Bob: TURKEY!!!!
Carl: .....
Carl: Ohhhhhhhh... I get it...
by Macoronikevin April 25, 2008
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One of country in the world only ;

3 sides cover with sea , 4 sides cover with enemies .
İs that about Turkey ; 3 sides cover with sea , 4 sides cover with enemies .
by Turkish Kurdish Human July 18, 2016
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Turkey is an acronym for Tearin Up Rookies Killin Every Youngin
Mark Gasol is going turkey on the Oklahoma City Thunder tonight.
by Budaman June 12, 2011
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Three strikes in a row in a game of bowling (offcial name).
by Chris March 26, 2003
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Slang, defined in a different entry as being an insult to mean loser, probably used in the late 60's and 70's. However, the word is seen to be used frequently in the popular 80's show, Magnum P.I. I don't understand why that entry got so many negative feedbacks, and while I'm not sure of the exact definition, it's clear to mean loser or something to that extent. Living in the 2000's, this slang isn't used anymore, but was constantly seen in reruns of Magnum P.I.
Quoted from Magnum P.I, "We're gonna get you turkeys!"
by ZEDZ March 22, 2007
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