1. easy
2. no problem to get down their pants
3. works well on knees
4. has legs spread more then catholic boys do going to confession.
by Pope John Paul II December 10, 2003
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When you give head to a girl during her period
I didn't even know she was on her period. She ended up giving me a pink panther.
by deeberman June 24, 2005
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Pink Panther: To pink panther someone is to boil oil and pour onto ones face. Their instant reaction to grab their face pulls all of their skin off leaving them looking like the pink panther. Commonly used in prison with baby oil.
I pink panthered that mf for talking on my bm.
by Icyfreshfish February 16, 2021
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DHP, or "Diphenhydramine" - a chemical found in OTC Benadryl allergy pills or in sleep aids. High doses of this legal substance induces hallucinations and sedative effects. Its nickname -"Pink Panther" - comes from it's physical appearance - which is often pink in color - and the realistic hallucinations that it induces.

DHP is abundant in rather negative bodily effects and harms, so it is recommended that prospective users weight out the pros and cons of taking this drug. Stay safe, enjoy life, and peace ✌
"The world of the Pink Panther is a very discordant, dysfunctional realm of space and time."

"Respect the Pink Panther".

- Erowid trip report
by psychonaut920 November 21, 2016
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New political party formed when white people realized their skin was never actually white. No albinos or Scandinavians welcome or allowed in this party.
I'm sorry to ruin your pink panther party, I thought this was wear them kids told me them ghosts was, look like they had a bedsheet for a outfit, so this ain't the place.
by Solid Mantis September 26, 2016
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when a chick is on some guys tip, and she's giving that mean b.j., right before he busts, she bites down hard enough to draw blood, thus mixing red(blood) with white (gentlemens relish), makes the color pink. similar to that of a pink panthers tail.
maria: you like that?
man 1: heck yes!
man 2: DO IT!
maria: -chomps down-
man 1: owwwwwwwwwww!!! ahhhhhhhh. i love you baby!
man 2: she just gave you a pink panther.
maria: bitch.
by whydunchablowme August 25, 2005
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