anti-simp "What is an anti simp, Jake"
by Dumb cent December 4, 2021
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To understand the definition of an anti-simp, one must understand the definition of a simp, make it fit to all genders and then take the opposite.

An anti-simp (noun) is someone who does simp for someone without a rational reason, and then does the opposite of simping to show they don't simp.

Anti-Simps would change their opinions, like simps, to oppose people. So they will always be on a negative standing with whom they anti-simp (verb).
1st conversation

Jack: Want to go eat pizza?
Anti-Simp: No, I hate pizza.

2nd conversation:

John: I don't like pizza.
Anti-Simp: I love pizza.
by Slaztic October 19, 2020
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