The only democratic country in the world that "Dare" to allow its nationals to vote and say "Heh!! China point your bozookas elsewhere!!"
Ah-Bian says..."Taiwan" your China
by Horik January 14, 2004
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Taiwan, a democratic nation, unlike China. Look for definitions in words like China, Mao, Mao ZeDong, comrade and you shall see posts made by this brainwashed fool called Comrade Communist Savior, who obviously had his/her brain messed up by China's propaganda just like many people in China. For people in favor of People's Republic of China, read some history, as I had briefly, and you will realize that the Republic of China R.O.C. was established well before the P.R.C. which may actually claim that Taiwan was the real China and that "terrorists" or so-called communists, lead by Mao ZeDong, took over the "real China" using military force. So, if you think about it, China is still run by the "terrorists" and Taiwan may actually be in fact the "real" China.

Also, as others have already said, Taiwan is a fully sovereign country complete with its own democractically elected goverment, its own fully indpendant military, its own currency (New Taiwan Dollar or NT$), its own internet code (.tw) and its own phone code (02). It may not be formally recognized by most goverments, but the fact is, it is not a part of China.
I became interested in Taiwan and China relations after seeing and reading about them in the news.

From my personal opinion, I believe Taiwan shouldn't be part of China.

From previous readings in, I have found this particular quote I liked, "The Chinese government should fix the starvation, illiteracy percentage, unequal property distribution, AIDS carriers, black government operations, human rights violations and communistic society first, then maybe Taiwan would consider an union." - MADE IN TAIWAN
by peteyz15 March 5, 2005
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Taiwan is real
-99999999 social credits

by Amongusinreallifesussus November 29, 2021
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- A country SEPARATE from China.
- A place of beautiful and kind people.

- Highly emphasizes the concept of respect.
- Places great emphasis on education of each individual.
- Taiwan's government does not oppress their citizen's, unlike China's government. Many Chinese people have no idea that so much of their education has been screened and edited before allowing them to access it.
by Medical_student22 April 17, 2011
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a friendly country that is under the threat by a country in the UN (china), how ironic
OMG WTF, so much for that "universal declaration of human rights" and peace-keeping and UN. It seems that UN is a laissez faire with more words than action.
by Connotator May 5, 2005
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compared to china, taiwan has hotter girls who have bigger eyes, sexier guys who have bigger abs, better manners, better food, a better government...pretty much the superior chinese people.
a: dude she's hot

b: what? that chinese chick?

a: naw man shes too pretty to be chinese, shes gotta be taiwanese

b: gotcha bro
by dapiku October 27, 2011
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