when you are talking to someone and you begin to drule and try to play it off like you didnt but they caught you or you can point that you did it
person: man did you just spittled
other person: ya i spittled
by DJC00P August 6, 2011
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Lick-spittle. A slimy grovelling and devious person who will do anything to get ahead in their life and career including accepting an order from the boss to lick a big green greasy lump of spit in the hope of promotion or a pat on the head.

I hate that bastard , always crawling up the bosses arse - he's a real lick spittle
by QWERTY1 June 16, 2006
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The liquid that comes out of your ass when you dry-ish fart. Like ass saliva or buttcrack sweat.
When you take a slo-mo video of you farting, don't get any butt spittle on my phone!
by Jean Jumps June 22, 2016
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when someone on acid backwashes in your drink.
(On lsd) Dude dont spittle in my drink.
by jtizzle420 December 27, 2008
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a word used by Mr Burns toward Smithers in the Simpsons,a subordinate with little credibility if any,a puppet on a string
Monty Burns; Youre nothing more than my lick-spittle Smithers,youre word is worthless you lickspittle,watch me make this lick-spittle dance like a puppet
by MasterSofTrancE February 12, 2006
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A sexual move for men with small or micro-penises that involves hanging slobber or spittle from ones penis and whipping their partner in the face with it.
Tony’s dick is so small he had to Spittle Whip her instead of dick slapping.
by George Town virus September 7, 2020
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