Itu sozluk ,founded in 2004, take its name from Istanbul Technical University. The founder of this site is an ITU student.
Itu sozluk is one of the turkish dictionaries that inspired by eksi sozluk.

Recently there were built tens of dictionaries like eksi sozluk in Turkey.

Itu sozluk has nearly 81312 users. But only 10857 of them can send entries.
At approx,daily there are 500 users in the itu sozluk.
Actually, to be author in eksisozluk takes more than 2 years, that`s why people that interest in being author in this kinda wepsites apply these wepsites.To be author in itusozluk is much easier than eksisozluk. People that meet the consept of this kinda dictionary firstly apply eksisozluk. While they are waiting to be author there, they spend time in these sites and get experience.
When you check out the first years of itusozluk you can find users that dont posts anymore. They probably became an author in eksisozluk and moved there.
This and other sites are a step to go through eksisozluk.
But itu sozluk has its specific features that separate it from the others. That is itu sozluk cares Turkish Language more than others.

If the users posts entries that does not include turkish character, these posts can be deleted by the moderators.
Although this sozluk is not as famous as eksisozluk, it`s one of the most important dictionaries in Turkey.
© 1923 - 2010 itu sozluk
by epicanescence April 14, 2010
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- is A turkish urbandictionary rip-off
- seems too centralized to exist in this age.
- is full of removed pages because of court order.
- is just about Turkey.
- its writers are elected among readers. The choosing process is obviously corrupt and functions rarely.
- consists of one specific dialect and almost every single author uses it. The site lacks great amount of variety.
eksi sozluk stands for "eksi dictionary" and is a turkish dictionary website like uludag sozluk, itu sozluk, inci sozluk.
by Khanon November 29, 2018
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