To engage in sexual intercourse while enjoying sumptuous foods from Barberito's or Moe's.
"Saul railed Hanna while eating a Homewrecker from Moe's."

"He gave her the Southwestern Grill treatment then?"
by p.lee June 20, 2009
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A movement that seeks to make all the states in the southwestern states an independent nation because of all the bad laws and policies of the US.

There are two factions to the movement. The left wing faction is make up mostly of hispanics who resent the mistreatment that they get in the US because of there language and race when they only come here to find a better life for themselves and there families.
It is also associated with the neohippie movement,advocates of the universal freedom movement and the underaged sex movement.
The right wing faction believes that the US interferes too much in peoples personal liver and taxes them to death ect.
by The Fury 13 September 24, 2010
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The redneck ass school. Who are terrible at boys sports but good at girl sports, seriously your girls teams would smoke you’re boys teams. Everyone at that school are “cousins” kinda weird maybe a little incest going on. YeeYee Partner.
by Randolph county November 24, 2021
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Toasted Southwestern: When a Super Tanned white woman rides a dick Reverse Cow Girl Style in the anus with butter on her ass (or massage oil) to help glide better.

Also called SouthWestern Toast
1- I met a chick from the jersey shores last night at the club. Took her home and she served me a Toasted Southwestern. I was all in her ass bro.

2- My boy Erin said this girl Ada came to his house last night and went right to the fridge for the butter. She asked if he was in the mood some Toasted SouthWestern.
by PJ_HarlemKnight1 September 1, 2014
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Toasted Southwestern: When a Super Tanned white woman rides a dick Reverse Cow Girl Style in the anus with butter on her ass (or massage oil) to help glide better.

Also called SouthWestern Toast
1- I met a chick from the jersey shores last night at the club. Took her home and she served me a Toasted Southwestern. I was all in her ass bro.

2- My boy Erin said this girl Ada came to his house last night and went right to the fridge for the butter. She asked if he was in the mood some some Toasted Western.
by PJ_HarlemKnight1 September 1, 2014
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When a guy lays underneath a propped up screen door and their partner pisses through it.
She showed me the southwestern spaghetti strainer last night and I should have put down a few towels .
by RickyBobbyInc November 20, 2019
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