A rule often employed for those who seem to be over-exuberant or too comfortable in their surroundings. 10 seconds before you start speaking, stop.
Shut up or I'll be forced to implement the ten second rule!
by old gregg 1 January 22, 2011
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The delay that comes from being way too high. The reason you laugh after everyone else has gotten a joke, fail to grab a railing in time, raise your hands after you've been punched and redirect your aim only after you've peed on the floor.
(end of joke)...to get to the other side!

(crowd laughs)
(you look blankly at the teller)
(you laugh, everyone else has stopped)
"Noooooo waaaaaay....the OTHER SIDE....HAHAHAHAHAH!"
Hence, The Marajuana Ten Second Brain Delay
by The Real IX April 20, 2010
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The first ten secends after you take a shot and you don't know if you are going to throw up or you are going to have a great night!

Originates from the danish term 'de tids sekunder'
by Shot overdose July 29, 2019
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The amount of time it takes on a blind date or a computer date site date before you realize that the next hour or two is going to be a total waste of time. In other words: you're not attracted.
Dude #1: How was the date last night?
Dude #2: Horrible!
Dude #1: What? She fail the ten second test?
Dude #2: No, I think I did! She hardly talked to me or looked at me the whole time.
by Vagabond King January 31, 2010
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