One of the most amazing guys u will ever meet. He is one of the sweetest guys I have ever met... personally. U might know a guy named Rhett but trust me he can’t compare. Someone who u will want by ur side through thick and thin bc u know he will be there to help. Has his moments but it honest and doesn’t care what u think about him. Not easy to let go. I feel so lucky texting him. Pretty sure u would too...!
Girl: did u see Rhett last night

Other girl: yah just makes ur heart melt don’t it
by Dumb_person June 14, 2019
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Rhett an awesome person really handsome and great husband or boyfriend material he is Kind and loving and loves basketball. He likes kind people and he is smart. If you meet someone named Rhett 1. He will make your day 2. Your lucky 3. Get to know him. He is a great listener its kinda rare to see him get mad.
Remember if you see a" Rhett" stay calm and if your lucky you and him will be a couple.
by Lion loves Lion March 20, 2019
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When rubbing one out, you place your back against the wall with your toes touching the floor and try to catch your own spooge in your mouth.
The way Rhett masterbates.
by Ben Dover 4 U April 28, 2005
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Just that incredible guy who will treat you right, pay for every date, and just make you feel absolutely special.
Omg Rhett is just such an amazing guy, I can't believe I found someone like him.
by Ghs_xoxoxo October 24, 2019
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jericka webb's man dont mess with him or i will hurt you terribly
hey see that dude over there
other: yea so
thats jericka man watch out
other;o shes so lucky
by ~!*jericka*!~ February 18, 2005
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A nonce (paedophile) that touches Brookes for pleasure and will not stop until pleased.
:-Why are they touching them like that
:-It must be a Rhett

Please keep this for a while I would like to show my friend as a prank, you or I could remove it afterwards. Thanks
by mlahkcots ttehr December 4, 2018
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Rhett is the biggest hoe you will ever meet. he goes for anyone that wants him to stick it in, he thinks he is top shit but hes really not. rhett is also very exceptional at basketball and baseball. too
quit being a rhett.
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