Reactionary Justice Warrior (commonly abbreviated RJW) is a pejorative term for an individual promoting reactionary white nationalist, alt-right and neo-fascist views, including right-wing identity politics, conservatism, the alt-right, white nationalist, neo-nazism etc. The accusation of being an RJW carries implications of pursuing neo-reactionary ideas and returning society to the status quo ante, the previous political state of state of society which they believe possessed characteristics (discipline, respect for authority, etc.) that are negatively absent from the contemporary status quo of a society. They are staunch proponents of the white genocide conspiracy theory and think men and white people are under threat and are often seen as victims. They frequently blame immigrants, minorities, gay people, transgenders and atheists for society's ills, using Scapegoat|scapegoats is their standard M.O. This type of ideology thrives off of fear-mongering, fear-tactics, and paranoia. Holocaust Denial is common among reactionary justice warriors and alt-righters alike.

The phrase originated on /leftypol/ board (leftist politically incorrect) on the image board site 8chan and other left-wing political circles. The negative connotation gained increased use, and was particularly aimed at those espousing views adhering to reactionary ideals such as conservatism, the alt-right, masculism, white nationalism, and neo-fascism as well as views deemed to be right-wing politically correct.
A bunch of stupid reactionary justice warriors coming from 4chan!
by Blaze_007 October 12, 2017
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Idiots who try to fight the SJW movement through trying to make bigotry, bullying, hate speech, and degrading comments heroic. Think that anyone who speaks against hate speech is a communist. Yet forget that Freedom of Speech goes both ways. Their ideas of freedom of speech say that there is nothing wrong with saying hateful crap, and that there should be no social consequences for doing so.
Social Justice Warrior Reactionary: You Fags are aid ridden parasides
Regular Person: You are a disgusting bigot

SJW Reactionary: Freedom of Speech
RP: Your right, and Im using mine to tell you that you are an ignorant jerk
SJW Reactionary: Shit(Thinking: I have nothing to say but it protects snowflakes like me from facing the consequences of my hate speech)

Normal Person: I just started my own company cause my boss was a huge ass
SJW Reactionary: So you are just a snowflake cause you couldnt stand working for a boss
NP: Shut Up
SJW reactionary: You are a tyrant

SJW Reactionary: Bigots matter too, we are so persecuted. I got fired for calling a woman a bitch and that she should go back to the Kitchen
Woman: No your creating a Hostile Working environment
SJW Reactionary: Liberals like you should be fired
Woman: Yet you dont
SJW Reactionary: Woe is me, I am so persecuted
by TheLibertariannonpartisan February 27, 2017
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