A collection of remixed top 40 pop songs fawned over by 11 year-old females that discovered the internet, anime, and music the night before. The remixes are created by speeding up any given song to 320BPM and kicking up the pitch enough so that Alvin, Theodore, and Simon froth at the mouth. These songs are always accompanied by a lowres JPEG taken from Fanpop of a random anime girl with no connection to the song and uploaded to Youtube under an account name consisting of a nonsensical Japanese word and a collection of numbers placed there in order to warrant the username available.
"nightcore is the most awesome genre on the planet d^u^b"
"Right, and Canada is the most awesome country on the planet."
by Elepant June 18, 2013
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Some shit genre that is just a speed up version of songs and therefore takes no talent to make and infringes on copyrights.
by Theif Kitts July 1, 2015
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As yet unrecognized genre of the music that originated on the Internet, more specifically YouTube. Some people claim to be the creator of it, but since the original account is no longer active (and no one even remembers what was the nickname of the person) those claims cannot be proved.

The main characteristic of nightcore is its high pitch often accompanied by fast beat. Very often songs that were remixed into trance, are later on remixed one again into nightcore and so many nightcore songs have trance-like characteristics.

Even though almost any song of any genre can be nightcored, trance and techno songs, as well as electro music and all types of dance music (here especially eurodance) are most often used. Some rock and pop songs are also nightcored. Rap and metal are the two genres that are heavily avoided, and there are very few songs remixed into nightcore.
-Is nightcore the same like trance?
-No, it's not.
by nightcored_heart February 28, 2011
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A subgenre of trance that has been bastardized in recent year by people who think all nightcore is is a sped up or high pitch version of a song with no further work when in actual nightcore you add original music to the song to make it a nightcore song.
"What are you listening to?"
"A nightcore version of some song."
"But all they did was speed it up."
"That's called speeding it up or chipmunking, not nightcore"
by Mad Mod April 13, 2015
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A music "genre" made by a bunch of weebs who think that speeding up a song is considered a genre of music.

It, most of the time is just taking a song and, speeding it up, slowing it down, pitching it up, or pitching it down, with an anime character shown in the video.
Guy 1: "This is an amazing Nightcore song"

Guy 2: "Nightcore is trash."
by MkalluxMusic June 26, 2017
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Basically, sped-up music and the bpm (beats per minute) rises. It's a type of techno that originated in the early 2000's.
Guy 1: Hey dude, did you hear that nightcore song on the radio?
Guy 2: Yeah, they sounded like chipmunks.
by Orexio October 22, 2017
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Sped-up anime techno music with stolen artwork
Hey, do you listen to Nightcore?
by ProfessorPig July 16, 2020
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