Strange butty man speak - "Grumpy Anyone..??" "2 pounds for cash please sir..!!"
by Parker TreeFroGG December 1, 2003
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This name composed with such simple and common letters yet it produces a beautiful and unique kind of name - just like them. They are independent yet afraid to disappoint people around them.
They are creative but they refuse to believe thinking they are more creative than them.
They are adventurous, they love to discover new things and learn from them. They give the best advices and opinions and are also a great listener. They give you the best hugs and are always offer you their shoulders to lean and cry on.
Marnely is a friend we deserve to have.
by Marianely November 24, 2021
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Is a absolute tit. He often takes unpaid leave from work to sip on that purple drank
Wow look at that Moses marnes he stinks dirty sprite
by Joe lupton sucks July 31, 2018
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used in a state of shock, happiness, sadness and anger
Person A: Yo, i bought a Tesla!
Person B: Cheese marn!!!! Bring me for a ride

Person A: My Parents divorced
Person B: Cheese marn!!!! I hope you are doing ok.
by Brompton April 19, 2022
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The greatest group of friends ever created in the whole world. It is a big band of boys that have been friends since a very long time. The club is exclusive and unique. They always have the best parties in Monterrey, Mexico.
Did you know I am a member of the Mini Marne.
I always have a great time with Mini Marne.
by James Madigan July 3, 2012
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