has a really small dick the size of a thumb
damn he has a leyton
by BIgdickyyyyyyy0401 April 12, 2018
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The most sweet, gorgeous and funny girl you will ever meet! She is absolutely an angel in the eyes of anybody who is blessed enough to encounter her. She so loyal and would never let anybody talk bad about you. She is truly one of the best friends anybody could ever ask for and if you ever happen to befriend a Leyton in your life, DONT let her go<3
Girl: man I wish i could be like Leyton

Other girl: doesn’t everyone?
by Hdksbfjd November 4, 2019
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a sexy bastard with a GIGANTIC penis, he's a stoner boy with a camera AND HATES PUPPIES and love to have sex, Leyton like to call himself Ley3ohfck because can't order pizza for shit.
You Leyton wanna oder pizza and smoke weed?
fr man only if you oder the pizza CLOUT!!
by bitchboiiii January 7, 2018
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I was feeling really rough last week but now I'm Leyton Orient
by Polo_o October 25, 2004
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1) (noun/adj) Something that starts the sesaon or year well, but then goes really, really shit at the end.
2) A football team (soccer for you americans) that is in the 3rd devision (it will always be the 3rd devision to me, not the coca cola barclaycard champion premier division 2 or whatever it has urned into) of the english football league. It tends to start the season well, but ends up going really shit at the end, which is why is has never been promoted or relegated. see www.leytonorient.com/
Wow, leyton orient really started the season well, but then went shit.
by 73h d00d July 31, 2005
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Thinking every car going by is a teacher/ the principal when you're getting high is being a Leyton.
by aadj18 May 2, 2011
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