Verb: To leave a country full of dicks and morons that has ruled you for many year, even though they are in Minority. Verb was created when Kosovo finally left the nationalists that are the bitchy Serbs.
Dude 1: "Man, did you hear Quebec was going to try and Kosovo Canada?

Dude 2: "Yeah man, but Quebec Kosovoing isn't going to happen anymore"
by Dictionary-Master November 4, 2009
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A small independent country in south eastern Europe bordering Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Serbia. It is the newest country, officially declaring independence from Serbia in 2008. It was formerly a county of Serbia which still does not recognize the separation of Kosovo.

Originally Serbia was known as Yugoslavia, spanning what is now the seven independent countries of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, and The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Civil war traced from as early as the 80s has led to the dwindling size that it is now. What was Yugoslavia is now recognized as Serbia.

Kosovo is the smallest of the separated nations and is one of the 3 remaining countries to yet join the UN (United Nations). The other two are Taiwan and Vatican City. The capital of Kosovo is Pristina. This is also its largest city.
My dumbass friend went to Kosovo for a relaxing vacation. He got shot by a Serbian soldier. Now I don't have a friend, I'm forever alone!

Some Idiot: "Hey, lets go float the beaches of Kosovo!"
Tryhard Nerd: "What beaches you idiot!? It's completely bordered by land. You're so stupid that you're dead to me."
by El Jefe de Mesa Verde September 11, 2013
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A cursed word that when uttered, Any person with a Serbian background will attempt to kill you.
Person 1: I sure want to go to Kosovo one day.
Person 2: Koso- What did you say??
Person 1: Oh shi--
Person 2: KOSOVO IS SERBIA!!!!!
by idk6000 June 21, 2022
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Kosovo and Metohija is province of Republic Serbia according to Constitution of Republic Serbia and Resolution 12/44 of United Nations Security Council. Metohija is region of Kosovo province known for many monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church and it's name can literally be translated from Serbian to English as "field of Monasteries", while Kosovo stands for "field of Blackbird". City in Kosovo and Metohija called Prizren was center of Serbian Empire so it have big historical importance for Serbs. In june of 1999 war between albanian separatist movement Liberation Army of Kosovo (KLA) and NATO against Federative Republic of Yugoslavia ended with signing peace agreement and supporting UN resolution 12/44. In 2008 Kosovo albanians illegaly declared independence from Serbia declaring Republic of Kosovo with capital city of Prishtina (ser. Priština, срп. Приштина). 102 countries members of United Nations recognized Kosovo as independent country since 2008, but many of them withdrawed recognition later.
"Due to Constitution of Republic Serbia and UN resolution of 12/44, region of Kosovo and Metohija was, is and will be province of Republic Serbia." -Ivica Dačić, ex-prime minister of Republic Serbia.
by Analitičar April 3, 2019
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The Kosovo stew is a house party operation where friends gather in the bathroom and use a random bowl found in the bathroom or anywhere else in the house and defect and pee inside of it. The stew will be left somewhere in the bathroom until someone else finds it and reports the incidence
Dude last night some people pulled a Kosovo stew in my bathroom…

Bro why does it smell like a Kosovo stew in here?

Don’t invite them, they look like trouble, I wouldn’t be surprised if they pull a Kosovo stew at your party
by Bolodogolovski April 21, 2022
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