to kipper someone
getting kippered
stand behind someone, with flat palm facing up, thrust your hand back and forth behind their back, without them knowing.
they have now been kippered.
by clairft February 23, 2009
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To be Kippered you must have something go against you or something bad happens on your behalf.
I got kippered there!,
You kippered me
by J.Mrson April 28, 2009
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1.slang for Marijuana
2. being stoned or high on Marijuana
bro that was some good kipper.
that dude is hella kippered.

by norcaleric January 19, 2009
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The logical meaning ----- being fucked, to fuck some one, or to tell some one to fuck off this word could be commonly used by americans and or germans
Dude this girl was getting KIPPERED behind the Wawa the other day.
by SP Dezzy April 25, 2011
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The act of prancing someone.
Marc got done up like a kipper
by BigBoy200 October 23, 2019
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