A name that describes an extremely masculine and superior figure who can resurrect dead puppies with his good looks and charming personality. Often known for doing really badass things, like beating up an army of great white sharks with a motorcycle.
Girl: I want to fuck him because he's perfect in every conceivable way.
Boy: That motherfucker is a Kieran.
by TakeThatSenja May 3, 2011
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One of the best people you will ever meet. Sometimes might seem a little stand-off-ish but completely kind once you get to know him. He’s always ready to listen and lend a hand in support. He enjoys joking plenty sometimes even a little too much but he’ll make you laugh till you piss yourself. He also doesn’t see how bright he shines and how much people do admire him for his strength. Also tend to have small hands but big brain.
Kieran almost made me shit myself the other day I couldn’t stop laughing kaksksksks
by Snakebehaviour November 6, 2020
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a boy who's more then could be asked for in a boyfriend. I love him. Makes you feel like something tickley inside everytime you look at him. He's sexy and knows how to makes everything better :

Tries to be tough but is a cute little teddy bear inside : oh
and refuses to eat anything but take away.
kieran the squishie.
by azserendipity January 19, 2009
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A name for a tech smart hot guy that is really funny because he always will make a really random remark but it will crack you up to the limit.
Girl 1: Heyy, you see that guy over there?
Girl 2: Yeah, that's kieran.
Girl 1: He is so funny and awesome, I am like crazy for him.
Girl 2: Miigosh, You going to ask him out?
Girl 1: Definitely
by Hawtie2027 April 12, 2009
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Kieran there is a milfs dream
by Pegglar November 11, 2020
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