Khalid , very hot , brown hair ,he has a Persian girlfriend ,he always sits with her in break ,he knows I like him but idk what to do because he doesn’t to like me back(HE WILL BE MINE ONE DAY).
Girl-Khalid is sitting with that girl again
Other girl-yea he didn’t wear contact lenses anymore but he is still hot❤️
Girl-too bad he’s with that girl
by Khalid’s stalker May 27, 2019
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-2 urban dictionary results

1) khalidism (noun): a facial expression

2) khaliding (verb): to fib... a lot
1) Example of khalidism: when asked about particular male parts, close your eyes, open your mouth and yell ohhh (think dirty).

2) Example of khaliding: saying the military does not allow you to enter Canada when, in reality, that is false.
by Zmart & TaMary January 21, 2010
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To Khalid someone: To beat somebody up so badly that you break your own hand, hurt yourself Etc.
"Dude did you say that fight yesterday?!?!?" - dude.
"Yeah!! Devin got his ass Khalid!!!" - other dude.

"Dawg, Im bout to go Khalid this nigga!" - dude.
by MauriceReyes February 6, 2010
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Khalid has dark brown hair , usually Emirati he has a Persian girlfriend and is always messing with his hair.overall a very hot and wannabe boyfriend(HES SO HOTTTTTT)
Girl-did you see Khalid during break?
Girl2-idk what happened to his contact lenses but he’s still hot.
Girl1-too bad that Iranian girl has him😩
by Khalid’s stalker May 27, 2019
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A person who loves his gf more than he loves his dick. He nicknamed his dick as traa.
Damn dick, you're hard at it. Khalid.
by Beingjack November 24, 2021
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According to all known laws
of aviation,

there is no way a bee
should be able to fly.

Its wings are too small to get
its fat little body off the ground.

The bee, of course, flies anyway

because bees don't care
what humans think is impossible.

Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
Yellow, black. Yellow, black.

Ooh, black and yellow!
Let's shake it up a little.

Barry! Breakfast is ready!

Omg, did you see Khalid's latest post on ThesaurusFans?
by khachel November 22, 2021
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Khalid is a very good looking paki, he's a short king but that's okey, because his face makes up for it. He's very quiet, he's dumb but he tries his best. He's the type to be with Queen B
That guy is soo handsome, cute and quiet, he must be a Khalid
by kikkerwesppaashaas February 1, 2022
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