Punjabi word for cauliflower. Used as mildly abusive term for someone who has the same sort of qualities as a cauliflower: sedentary; round (overweight); slow; not very nice on its (his/her) own.
Summed up reasonably well in English as a 'fat bastard'.
He's a right gobi.
That gobi on the bread aisle (in a shop).
by tux-root April 24, 2008
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I had the best gobi dish for lunch.
by KD October 19, 2004
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Gobi!!! get over here so i can pet you!!

i wish i lived in the gobi desert
by Darth Chunkinator February 2, 2005
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The most disgusting fish in the world, known for foaming at the mouth when caught. Invasive species in Lake Michigan.
"I tried going fishing for perch last weekend but all I caught was a stupid goby."
by Andrew Hoogerhyde January 1, 2008
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this BOY has queer ginger hair and is constantly putting people down about heir height. But he doesn't know about this, gobi.
by SuperJamieC April 29, 2003
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An Indian vegetarian dish, referenced to by Weezer in their Ok Human album.
Hey dude, have you heard the song Aloo Gobi yet? It’s great.
by Wewegobi February 16, 2021
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