When you get raped by a guy with clothes on. It is a little more legal than actually making love with man without consent, but it is definitely still sexual assault. Created by Clifford Xantus from Newtown PA when he started making love with Chase Palsky with so consent. As much as Chase Palsky says he hates it, he 100% loves getting glizzed.
Clifford loves glizzing children under the age of consent.
by Hugh Stevens February 9, 2022
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a very large tenacious feind who loves to eat smelly bum nuggets.as a result they are usually diagnosed with testital ball cancer at thhe age as 6.
hey glizz dog whats up.
by glizz dog May 9, 2022
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The act of acquiring and consuming a glizzy
Friend 1: Man there's good shang around here!
Friend 2: Don't worry I know a place where we can glizz up
by mdayoconnell July 25, 2023
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