Impotent idiots who don't even know how to run GameFAQs. Heck even a monkey can run a better site than them. You can compare them to a country that is run by a dictator. There are actually smart moderators, but most moderators are just corrupt and ignorant.
I got modded for telling about an experience i had by a stupid GameFAQs moderator.
by ReDaZnDraGoN March 13, 2005
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One of the most corrupt, hated, and incompetent people on the message boards and on the Internet. They sometimes mark and even ban users for the most ludicrous of things; and commonly bend the rules(i.e. adding something to a ToS rule), to suit their needs. It's usually no use contesting a moderation, as you'll probably receive some asinine reply saying that you're somehow wrong in your explanation.
Sensible poster: The stereotype of black men always going to jail is retarded.

*Poster is placed on warned status for supposedly breaking the offensive material rule.*

Before I continue, let me show the offensive material section of the ToS here.

Offensive Material-Users may not transmit or encourage others to transmit material or links to material considered patently offensive in nature. This includes, but is not limited to using vulgar, profane, or sexually explicit language; using race, religion, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, handicap, nationality, or gender as a means of insult; using threatening, harassing, defamatory, hate-speech, or libelous language; and posting, requesting, or otherwise sharing material considered pornographic, obscene, graphic, or hate speech.

Let's continue...

Contest: This is in no way offensive to anyone or anything. Using the word "retarded" is not against the rules if it doesn't fit that category.

Corrupt GameFAQs moderator: Using "retarded" to negatively describe anyone or anything (including anyone within or outside of GameFAQs, inanimate objects, or even something intangible) in any way, shape, or form is considered a severe ToS violation.

If you haven't noticed, the moderator here added the "intangible" crap to the rule; something that wasn't there. Anyone with a brain knows that a stereotype is not an object. You've seen the corruption for yourself.
by King of Inland May 31, 2008
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A wonderful person that likes to moderate a Gaming Board that no one should give a second look to in the first place.
"Those GameFAQ mods deleted my message again! It was just a link to a GBA rom!"
by CJAYC FANBOY2001 March 17, 2004
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People who work for the moderation of threads and regulate order at gamefaqs dot com
I am a gamefaqs moderator regardless of your opinion on the matter, we don't allow the term to be used in that manner here.
Yeah, umm. Not gonna happen.
I am always right.
It doesn't matter what you think.
I don't care that your argument is valid.
by Thetruth01 March 16, 2012
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One who's job it is to make sure that the 17 simple to follow rules that are shown to you when you sign up to Gamefaqs, are followed.

Violate any of the rules in any way, and your message will be deleted. If it is a severe offense, you'll get even worse punishment.

Quit bitching and just follow the fucking rules.
f*** - censor bypass. not allowed.
you're a dick - flaming.(insulting) not allowed.
The xbox sucks because it weighs 9 lbs - trolling.(encouraging flames) not allowed.
Where can I get an earthbound rom? - Ileagal Activities. Not allowed.
Everyone go to! - Spam. Not allowed.
I got a handjob in the bathroom once and jizzed in the girls face - Offensive posting. Not allowed.
This is off topic but... - Off Topic Posting. Not allowed, even if you announce it is off topic.
The boss at the end turns out to be a woman - Spoilers without warning. Not allowed.
fsjdkl;afjk!!KJJi88*!! - Disruptive Posting. Not allowed.
Let's all invade the nintendo board - Flooding/Invading/Board wars. Not allowed.
I'm Bill Gates - Impersonation. Not allowed.
I'm going to find you and rape you - Harrasment/Stalking. Not allowed.
If you do this, you can get free karma - Bugs and Exploits. Not allowed.
Robots/Posting Bots. Not allowed.
Other. I.e. anything that isn't written here but clearly doesnt belong on the board. Not allowed.

Now follow them and don't complain when the mods just do their job.
by |< /\ /\/ € |› |-| /-\ /\/ January 16, 2005
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