The use of using a fork to cut your food like a knife
John Doe says " Hey do you need a knife to cut your french Toast?"

Mary Jane replies " No I will just use my handy dandy fife"
by Master_Mind September 27, 2010
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What Indian men call their bitches.
Rob: Who is that girl with the curly hair?
Kashiek: That is my Fife.
Rob: *high five* You da man Paki!
by Kashiek August 15, 2007
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1.A derogatory comment for a bumbling idiot, refering to Barney Fife of the popular american TV series The Andy Griffith Show.
2.Sometimes used when refering to an incompetent policeman.
Settle down officer, don't be a Fife!
by fuckface gimp September 6, 2006
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When one backs into someone's car as a direct result of an overconfident cocky attitude.

Originated from Central Connecticut when a young male with the last name of Fife became known for backing into vehicles, with the attitude described above.
by L-Bear1234 January 26, 2011
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a word used in a random conversation when you have nothing else to talk about and you wanna be funny
Bat 1: you wanna know whats a really funny word
Bat 2: what?
Bat 1: FIFE
Bat 2: bat 1, you are completely retarded
by the bats April 6, 2003
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Better way of saying future wife, on account of fiance sounds gay and French.
My fife Lauren talks too much, but I'm gonna marry her anyway.
by dutchey October 9, 2010
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