A guy who likes other guys.
A guy who likes to take it up the poop shoot.
A guy who loves to tea bag other guys.
Skitzo (aka; plague, plagu3) you are serious fag, but we like you anyways.
by Dr.Prox August 29, 2007
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"Man, that dude is a FAG!"
"What do you expect, he's british"
by buttbuddy101 November 9, 2009
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When a straight male gets shook down or felt up by another male against his will.
"Hey JTap, why you look sad, bro?"
"Oh, man, I was on Utah St and got fagged by Joe. I feel violated."
by Cain Smiff June 28, 2016
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A word describing a male of the homosexual persuasion.
That guy is such a fag... look at him paint his nails and buy prada shoes
by Mr McCheese December 18, 2003
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Fat ass gangster idiots who walk around with baggy pants that keep falling off or are barly hanging from a persons but check's.
That person is a fag for walking around like that.
by bearcat#01 June 9, 2017
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1. A complete faggot

2. Someone who likes it in the ass and tells everyone about it
by Nex Carnifex January 22, 2011
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