He likes a girl who's parents are from Asia and has 6 letters in her name. He is Vietnamese and has said all these things below:

“I want to see you swim.” Duc 2019
“I like looking at my feet.” Duc 2019
The person I like is male.” Duc 2019
“Can I squeeze your warm, squishy ball?” Duc 2019
“I was in her bed because we were watching videos (Puzzle videos) together.” Duc 2019
“I know when /where she sleeps.” Duc 2019
“I’m not a pedophile...or am I?” Duc 2019
“I am not good at the arts of seduction.” Duc 2019

“I’m a water chicken.” Duc 2019
by minttae October 16, 2019
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male asian name, asian, extremely gooooood looking and most likely has 8 pack.
wow... duc anh.
i will name my child duc anh because its sexy.
by duckonpond April 12, 2011
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fucked up -state of affairs for a seriously 'intoxed' vietnamese person
wheres' dan? sleeping, he was pretty fuk duc last night
by michael foolsley November 22, 2009
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A very fat and annoying male twat that loves a transgender woman.
Duc Minh fell in love with a lady boy.
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The name of a boy who is born usually in a specific country within Asia. This person grows up to be very good and smart in their school studies and subjects. They also have 8 packs. They usually are the best at their tests in school.
Jonny: Did you see Duc Ahn's results for the test?
Tom: Yeah! 100/50!
Jonny: Yes, I wish I had an awesome 8 pack like him.
Selena: Hey boys! Are you talking about Duc Ahn?
Tom: Uhh... what's it to you?
Jonny: Yeah, what?
Selena: Oh, nothing..
Lisa: Selena, are you in love with Duc Ahn or something?
Selena: WHAT?! No I'm umm, I-
Duc Ahn: What is happening here?
Selena: Uh, Hi. Um..
Duc Ahn: Wanna go out?
Selena: Yes!
Duc Ahn: Ok! I'll see you there!
Selena: Ok!
*12 Years later*
*It's Spring of 2030. A lovely couple, married, begin to glimpse to the past.*
*Selena, in a chair with a wine*
*The man with a 7 pack, and a mate, his mate has known Duh Ahn for years*
Jonny: So that is what happened.
Duc Ahn: Hahaha!
Selena: Anyway, do you remember 2018?
Jonny: Oh, yeah. Wasn't that the time you and Duc Ahn went out?
Selena: Yeah. But it, it just seems like something is not right...
Duc Ahn: What?
Selena: I mean you had an 8 pack, but.. it's not the same...
*Duc Ahn grabs two plates and throws them at Selena.*
*Selena barely dodges them and runs to her room, crying.*
*1 Year Later, Duc Ahn is now walking along train tracks nearby where he once loved a woman.*
*Duc Ahn cries*
*He runs to the house and sees a man with a he recognised*
Duc Ahn: JONNY!
Jonny: DUC AHN!
*They hug for a long time as sad music begins to play.*
This plays: www youtube com /watch?v=RdAVX2pjSRI
Jonny and Duc Ahn: YEAH THE BOYS!!
by Subscribe to JonnyBoy February 15, 2018
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(n) male's name
(adj) very good
duc nguyen is a men's name.
by Anh Duc September 4, 2004
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