A free-to-download and free-to-play multiplayer first person shooter developed by Doobic Studios and published by Nexon, which now is in its official launch. All and any costs are usually for cosmetic items, such as clothing, and do not provide an advantage to those who pay for it. As it is quite early in its development, it as much more to go until it can draw an audience like that of CounterStrike or Unreal Tournament.
Combat Arms is a fun, free game.
by baa1234 August 20, 2008
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A FPS (First Person Shooter) game created by Nexon. It is one of the best fps games you will ever find. It's realistic, its not like halo where you jump 100 feet and still survive. Its not like Gunz either, you cant do those cheap K-styles.

Now, you'll know if your pro at this if you..

Can get headshots within 1~3 shots.(Immediately after you see someone)

Always get a 2.0 K/D in a match.

Always called a Hacker by people in the lobby.

Always first in the scoreboard.

Can be good without using a shotgun or the noob tube. (LAW)

Is able to use footsteps. For example, you can find a person sneaking up on you by hearing them walk, even if their behind you.

Can kill speed hackers.
A Good Example of a pro in combat arms are : Blade366, DaLarm, and.. no one else. Since all other wannabe "pros" use shotguns and the famous Noob Tube or the Noob Cannon (LAW). Don't try challenging Blade366 or DaLarm. Since you'll just be a waste of their time.
by Professional PL0x0r June 5, 2009
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a fps action game that you can play for free, it is fairly new only a couple of months old...WAYY better than soldier front, the graphics are very good for a free game and it is easy to play, not as good as COD4 tho =D
i just got an "unbelievable" in combat arms
by BabyDough August 12, 2008
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a awesome game made by nexon (creators of maplestory...which sucks lolz) its a fps (first person shooter). you have to download it but thats not a big problem because there are no viruses that i know of from it. you also play it on the internet with outher people!!!! the only bad thing is, is that if you want to buy guns, and clothes and crap, you buy it with the money (you get it from game, better you do more money, worse less money) but you buy it with days like 1 day, 7 days, 30 days, and 90 days. thats the only bad thing. other than that i rate it 10/10 best game ive ever played!!!!!!!!
friend: what game you playing?
you: combat arms!
friend: damn thats the best game ive ever seen!!!!
by combat arms dude August 26, 2008
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