the ben dover joke is used as a way of making different people say ,,Bend over“ as if they’re telling someone to bend over and prepare for sex. It’s used as a username or as just a disguise name in most cases.
A: Hi, my name is Ben Dover! (giggling)

B: Bend over?

Everyone: (laughing)
by chez シ June 11, 2022
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The godliest of kahoot nicknames. Your a g if you ever had this name and got away with it.
Teacher: we’re playing kahoot today.
Gay slut: ok *puts nickname as ben dover*
Teacher: ben dover?
Gay slut: bends over and gets ass penetrated by teacher.
by Pussahy November 20, 2021
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Description of a guy who is constantly getting screwed over. Whether its by the system, an ex-wife, his boss, or other people; everyone is trying to get a piece of Ben Dover's ass.
Did you see how much alimony that woman is getting! Alex should change his name to Ben Dover.
by merikafuckyea April 1, 2019
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My best friends name, and when i ask his Girlfriend where he is. She Drops her pants and lets me fuck her
Me: Ben-Dover
Girl: Yes Daddy
Me: i mean my best friend where is he?
Girl: Do you think i care just fuck me :>
by Hello there >;3 October 30, 2019
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the peak of all godlyness and sexyness, even pertaining to pimpness and/or 1337ness.
"that guy is such fucking Ben"
by Ben September 27, 2004
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