1. His bench press went up so fast he had to be poppin arnolds.
by mark2008 January 13, 2008
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An ugly guy with sometimes curly hair, likes to cheat on women and hate girls named karen, Alicia, jennifer, and caroline. Likes girls named genesis,vannesa,alejandra. He would get creeped out when you look at him and if he smiles at you it doesn't mean he likes you, he's just smiling at someone else. And tries hard in school and will eventually pass and graduate.
Hey look it's arnold
I heard he hates jennifer
by Anonymous_chick1234$ May 5, 2017
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A dude that usually hits puberty at a young age, resulting in others calling him the usual "pizza face". Is generally a nice dude, and a friend who'll always be by your side. A bit rough sometimes. Usually falls in love with either of these people with names such as Karen or Sophia.
Chris: What's up Arnold?
Arnold: The sky!
Chris: ...
by shrokemakee November 22, 2019
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An old man that works in an office and spends all day telling his co-workers about all the jobs he has had in his life and somehow revolving life stories around those jobs
Old man: Oh, when I was younger I used to have lots of girlfriends. That was back when I worked for that oil company

Co-worker: Gosh he's being such an Arnold

Old man: I remember when I bought my first car. It was when I worked for that newspaper business. I am a screen printer by trade you know!

Co-worker: I'm sick of it. He thinks he has done everything in life. He's nothing but an Arnold
by friendlyfred818 January 14, 2010
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Code-name for a new terminator model introduced in the year 2055 to diversify the population of black cyber-organisms.

New and improved lightweight limbs allow the Schwarzenigga to run 50% faster from RoboCop than it's white counterparts. It runs on a fuel mixture comprised of Kool-aid and Purple Drank.
Arnold Schwarzenigga: I'll be black.
by Mason'sPeangRevington November 25, 2016
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Is a term used to describe a black person who is very muscular or well built.
oh so you hit the gym and gona all arnold schwarzenigger on me and got big.
by BahamianHavoc August 15, 2011
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