She is beautiful, rays of sunshine because he can brighting up any ones day. She can make you smile at your bad times. She can be funny but not at the right time. She can your best friend. She knows how to cheer people up. She just does the right thing. She knows how to joke and not go too far. She's coolie. She has the most beautiful hair. And she is very gorgeous but she denied it. She claims she ugly. But she's very very not. She's short. She has big boobies. Anyone would love her.
Him: Look at alana.
Him2: I know she's a ray of sunshine.
by bestfriendkate<3. December 26, 2011
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wow she's so pretty.... must be an Alana
by im_awesomely_cool September 20, 2011
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The shit of erry day.
You wake up imagining Alana is as special as the sun.
Dawgg i need me some Alana.
by Bobay January 27, 2008
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The most amazing girl in the world, she is kind, preety, smart girl if you have alana as a freind/girlfreind you are lucky and every body knows that she will be a super star
Hey bro see that girl

Who that its my girl alana
by Urbansjunior October 3, 2017
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Alana is the Craziest most Weirdest most hyper gurl you will ever meet she’s very sweet with a caring heart ♥️ but don’t put up a fight with her cuz she’ll beat ur ass!!!!!💯💯💯 she got hands 💯💯 she’s the most fun person to be around she’s so funny!!🤣🤣 she’s loud,she LOVES to party!!!✨ and twerk🍑 she got a nice 🤤🍑💕 And a rlly nice body 😍she’s rlly pretty !!♥️ And fashionable too !! Always lookin like the🤤💕 she has The most AMAZING PERSONALITY EVER!!!! She’s very outgoing and up to crazy adventures shes very adventurous and she’s 🥰 She’s so weird but in a very funny way 🤣🤣🤣🤣 she’s happy 24/7 😃💛 she got a smart mouth and sometimes can be very annoying she’s the type of friend that you will party with at a club 24/7
Alana is super funnyyyyyy
by Bebe 125433 July 9, 2019
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Alana is probably one of the most sassiest people you will meet. Also VERY talkative. She's a slow eater except for when it comes to sweets. Although she's deemed a smart person, you may be confused at times. Alana is a social butterfly and loves to crack a good joke .... or a couple. Most times, an Alana is photogenic AF! If you have an Alana in your life, you have been blessed.
"She's such a slow eater..."
"Yeah, of course. She's Alana!"
by rsuz May 24, 2018
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