He is the vape god of every town and everyone knows a Will Duncan. They are cool and the type of person who you want to hang around.
Man nice vape trick bro you are being a total Will Duncan.
by BlankCurve20 March 5, 2019
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The man who is like the 21st century version of che Guevara, but with a bigger penis. He also specialises in foursome sex moves. His most famous move is the fidget spinner move; this involves a giant fidget spinner penetrating three people's ass holes with a dildo in the middle for the fourth person
I love Duncan, he is so fit oml
by PlsShootMeNow June 13, 2017
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One of the hottest guys you’ll ever meet he has one sexy smile and is a punk. He goes from being a twink to being a domantrix in seconds. Duncan is bisexual and will fuck anything that moves. He works out and has a great bod. He’s a chill dude to be around and everyone wants to fuck him.
“Wow I saw Duncan at GoodLife yesterday he’s one hot tamale
by Eatassssmokegrasssledfast July 30, 2018
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A guy who is not cool enough to have a 1997 Subaru Outback, especially not a white one.
Why is his car not a 1997 Subaru Outback?
Because he's Duncan.
by ndawg696969 February 27, 2014
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The philosophy of some people called Duncan who believes in everything that is beautiful, wonderful, just, kind, total freedom for anyone who is cool, top quality, the best in the world (or at least close) etc. Duncanists hate and despise anything bad, low quality, ugly, and believe that assholes like that who believe in that shit should spend the rest of eternity in their self-inflicted hell. And we don't care (ref Sex Pistols/Malcolm Maclaren)
You see that cool girl /woman over their. She follows Duncanism. Isnt she gorgeous
by an0n13u0932u5u4bf2kjrb v2kjbde September 11, 2019
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