May 8th is when u Tell your crush u like them in person
Girl: I like u would u be my bf
Boy: Why are u telling me just now tho
Girl: cause it’s May 8th
Boy: well in that case then yes
Girl: Ily
Boy: ily2
by UnicornIs456789 May 7, 2023
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The day Taylor Swift tells us all that we are clowns, just like the scenario with the “5 holes in the fencexx Ps. ILY Taylor
“Hey guys it Taylor! Today is May 8th which means it’s time for your guys to STOP with the clownery xx
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An term describing a tragic event that leaves no survivors
What happened at the office?

Oh, May 8th
by scp-0000 May 6, 2019
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People who are born on 8th of May are really kind and drama queens. They usually have a famous person as their bestie and are really unique and special. They usually also like traveling 😊
Person: Hey *name of the famous person,, why are you talking to that human 🤔

Famous Person: cause they are born on 8th May ☺
by Okokok7868 November 23, 2021
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National spent time with loved ones day
Bf: Sorry I've been away, but I made it back for 8th May.
Gf: I'm just happy to have you back.
by MASENDUS May 8, 2022
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National give a gift to any Alice you know
Alice: it’s my birthday

Friend: omg I have to get you something

Alice: good cause you have to give any Alice a gift on may 8th
by Hsbdbdjdjdndndb March 18, 2021
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the day when a girl asks their crush out, and if you are a boy, you just hope its you
hey its May 8th so like im confessing that i like you and im gonna take you on a date because i feel like it (girl)
hey i wish a girl would ask me out (boy)
by skele ton May 3, 2022
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