The scuzz and gross gunk at the bottom of a recycling bin, usually consisting of a combination of beer, pretzels, Gatorade and the occasional Cheez-It.
"Ew gross, I dropped the recycle bin and got college fluid all over me!"
by April 6, 2021
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a person that should be in college.
hey you should be a collegeer
by twillywithmilly November 2, 2020
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A private school in south Dublin known for hockey, D4 accents, and Mr C. The students regularly partake in activities like Tribe, vaping, applying fake tan, and pulling the piss out of Mr Carol.

If used in a sentence, it is to be pronounced with the strongest D4 accent you can muster.
"Oh my god, you go to Alexandra College? You must be loaded."
by October 5, 2022
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A private school in south Dublin known for hockey, D4 accents, and Mr C. The students regularly partake in activities like Tribe, vaping, applying fake tan, and pulling the piss out of Mr Carol.

If used in a sentence, it is to be pronounced with the strongest D4 accent you can muster.
"Oh my god, you go to Alexandra College? You must be loaded."
by October 5, 2022
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A private school in south Dublin known for hockey, D4 accents, and Mr C. The students regularly partake in activities like Tribe, vaping, applying fake tan, and pulling the piss out of Mr Carol.

If used in a sentence, it is to be pronounced with the strongest D4 accent you can muster.
"Oh my god, you go to Alexandra college? Where does your dad work?"
by Alex Girl October 5, 2022
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College Fondue is a night with the boys and a college girl. The gentlemen gather around a willing college girl and one after another get to take a "dip" inside her "pot", one dip at a time, until everyone is finished.
Matt, Adam, Andrew, Connor, Dave, Dave, Marty, Reece, and Sean all went out for a night of college fondue, to their surprise, the special being served that night was chocolate.
by #college January 25, 2014
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crazy girls with attitude 😂 if they like Pius boys then they've obviously never seen Knox boys. The girls are sexy af and they definitely know how to attract the boys. Depending on who you're talking to a Mercy girl will always have a good reputation.
Pius boy1: damn that Mercy college girl is hot
Pius boy: I think she's with a Knox boy
Pius boy1: Don't worry she'll learn to love me, I know how to get all the Mercy College girls
by Bruhdontjudge May 29, 2019
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