A word liars say to prevent being caught lying. It’s simple for example UHHHH YEAH IM A SMARTASS

Avoid using those words please..
Ay bro did you do the homework if you didn’t your fucking dead.
by AQUAR1US4LIF3 June 4, 2023
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A person so fat they look like a honey baked ham.
Alyssa: What am I?

Paul: Honey you're a tubby-wump-um. But do not worry, so am I.
by Fokencio_Yokahu May 8, 2018
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The act of sticking your stragot of a friends balls in you mouth and hugging them all around
friend 1: Can i jiggle-um-balls in yo mouth

Friend 2: Hell yeah bro
by Billy bob mother fucking joe January 16, 2022
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Used to describe anything that has to do with the state of being "READY."

In complete and total midset of partying. Having a great time.
by ume187 January 13, 2020
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Someone who is always seen partying and having a great time.
Used to describe anything that has to do with the state of being "READY."
by ume187 January 13, 2020
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Ume describes the performance of the kitchen team of the HFD_2108 class during their concept week in May 2023 was exceptional. The team consisted of the legendary Linard, the all-mighty Fabio, the heroic Nicolas, the talented Pascal, the fabulous Silvan, and the two phenomenal Warans. Together, they astonished everyone and delivered a show that had never been seen before.
Hey alte häsch gseh, de Michi isch gester huere ume gsi.
by umedebre May 26, 2023
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A cool guy who can take away any girl.
He is charming and girls get attracted towards him.
He's such a ume.
by Fraklinsberg June 7, 2020
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