When a person, usually white is always getting sun burned.
She's the tomato crisp of the group
by anonymous537 March 13, 2019
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some bomb ass cereal you could have found in 2011
ayo man grab me that waffle crisp
by icausemassiveCHaos April 1, 2022
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An Australian term (usually from the Brisbane area) meaning good, great, excellent. An expression of satisfaction.
That movie is the crisps!
by Stumpy January 5, 2004
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Titties that are so dry and hard they feel like crisp bacon coming out the microwave/ oven
Mark: Hey dude did you see her tits
Matt: Yeah man they are pretty crisp. She has crisp titties
by puttycapsaretapsy January 30, 2016
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Ellie is a girl you want as your friend. She’s a fucking angel and has a heart of gold. She’s one of the most trustworthy and kind people you’ll ever meet. She’s so gorgeous and some people would die for her looks but she just doesn’t see it. An Ellie is probably the most trustworthy person you’ll ever meet. They’re the best with secrets. She’s the kind of person to talk you on long walks where you can clear your mind, or to take you shopping. It’s sad sometimes because Ellie’s are taken advantage of very quickly and suddenly they’re being manipulated by some two faced toes. Ellie moss’s are so kind that they struggle to say no... which is there weakness. But don’t worry, a crispy will intervene and save the day. Ellie’s you need to stand up for yourself. You deserve better friends, ones who aren’t two faced, ones who suddenly care when your pretty or dying, ones who are friends with you for money. Stay away from those people. They’re snakes. Instead try to hang out with the people who, put a smile on your face, are trustworthy, halerious, always there for you no matter what, absolutely stunning, so pure and wholesome, not the best at math but she’s trying, also obsessed with the dolan twins... If you haven’t guessed by now... all those things are what make YOU unique crispy. I hope you know you mean the world to me :))
love from crisp fiddle sticks xxx
by Sister Sushi March 29, 2019
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