Underground artists spent most of their time in rabbit holes or hawking their shit from private parking garages at night. They thought the sun might turn them too dust, and they didn't want to lose their fangs.
by Solid Mantis March 26, 2021
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A slowly and concerning decline in state of mind.
Leading people suffering with the condition to experess extreme face contrortions and cycling emotions

Onset is rapid and doctors don't yet fully understand the causes of this condition

Although some stem cell has pointed toward positive progress
Mates full cooked it, doin an extreme underground
by rabitmix December 30, 2022
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A pure racist and/or rapist. Its like eating an Indian, Japanesse, Thai, Mexican burrito while hungover packed with gummy worms, spoiled beans and marsh mellows that are 3years past the expiration date. Vomit inducer.....Look up the definition of "Air Raid" and let your imagination flow. Ever wish you had that magic "wand" that makes everything disappear? Well that would come in handy in an Underground Air Raid....
Best pal Randy says " Here you are little girl...another beer?"
Lindsay-"I just had one beer who wants to do me?!?!!!Opps, I have HIV! But OH well!!!"
Fred-"I am so ready to have sex with you!!"
Lindsay-"Sounds great! Like OMG!"
Fred- "I would like to introduce the underground air raid...mmmhhhmmm"
Best pal Randy says "Don't sink in, we may not see you EVER again...not a big loss anyways, just sayin."
Fred- "Sweetheart I never got your name"
by SpankedYourMomTWICE May 10, 2011
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Talking about having sexual intercourse in an underground bomb shelter
Friend: How’s things with your the girl your talking to
You: Well she’s giving off Underground Bunker Vibes
by Hbnbs March 26, 2020
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It is a secret philosophical movement to confront the system and the establishment to restore the aristocracy to the status quo.

It is against the Modern State and the Liberal Bourgeois State and its consecutive evils: Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Liberalism, Freemasonry, Totalitarianism, Positivism, Nationalism, Enlightenment, Fascism, Humanism, Renaissance, French Revolution Modernism, Anthropocentrism, Capitalism, Materialism, Feminism, LGBT rights, Republicanism, Representative Democracy, Liberal Democracy, Progressivism, Mass Media, Militant Atheism, Anti-Left/Right Dichotomy, Cosmopolitanism, Consumerism, Human Rights, Technocracy, Organized Religions, Globalization and Abortion. He is skeptical of technology, organized religions and the economy.
Underground Aristocracy is the beginning of the reconquest. Unlike contemporary think-tanks, it is focused on praxis.
by tradical September 7, 2022
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