The Super Bowl to end the 100th NFL season (at the time of making this, it's week 5 of the 101st 2020), in which the Chiefs defeated the 49ers 34-20. It was played in Miami, Florida at Hard Rock Stadium. The SB LIV MVP was Patrick Mahomes, who helped in the comeback.
Patrick Mahomes won MVP for Super Bowl LIV!
by MeleeCombat123 October 15, 2020
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A compulsive lier. Someone who likes to be mean to others and bring up traumatic events. It is also someone who uses blackmail and all the bad things someone can do. Its someone who's bitchy and mean and snaky. It usually starts off with a lot of friends then looses them all due to the personality. Is very lucky normally and has usually 3 siblings. Liv is pretty and very thin normally but doesn't have any curves.
Person1- Ew I hate her
Person2- She's such a Liv B
Person1- She made my friend cry for so long
Person2- She's definitely a Liv B
by jackjonestingbackbones April 9, 2018
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Yo did you get some Liv Copeland last night?”
Nah did you?”
by Hhhrdhhh November 6, 2020
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The act of devouring someone’s whole head with your ass.
“Yo bro did you see that dude just disappear like that!?” “Yeah Bro he just got Liv Copelanded”
by Hhhrdhhh November 6, 2020
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a girl from pa who is tj rose hot younger sister with a nice ass and great tits with a bitchy attitude
holy fuck is that tj rose sister”-j
“damn liv rose is hot asf”-anonymous
by colson baker September 27, 2022
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Love For Liv Day, (October 22nd) is the day we all gather around on instagram and spread our mutual love for @thatliv.cos. Who is apparently a literal angel?!
by agnes.agurk October 21, 2019
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Love For Liv Day, (October 22nd) is the day we all gather around on instagram and spread our mutual love for @thatlivid.cos. Who is literally an angel?!
by agnes.agurk October 21, 2019
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