Fembling James Grunt is the daughter of bling grunt

She is @GasterSCGD on twitter
Hey did you see the new Fembling Grunt video>
by Fembling J. Grunt November 24, 2021
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Also known as a "Blake-kakke". Basically, dump a double-shot of your favorite alcohol and mix it into a large White cherry slushie. Next, chug the ENTIRE thing during Popp's piss break. Note: You get +10 Homo-suspicion points if the slushie splashes IN YOUR FACE!!!
No, I am not taking a Splash O' Grunt Juice...Got it in my mouth and eyes last time!!!!!
by FT_Zeek September 14, 2022
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cockney rhyming slang for an attractive female. Comes from the slag: cunt
1: Mate, u see that bumble and grunt alk in?
2: indeed mate, i would any day!!!!
by Kynan October 14, 2007
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The act of making a loud constipated grunting sound at somebody that did something retarded.
"UGGHHH!" <-- Retard Grunt.
by Ballstothewall. January 17, 2012
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A person who acts like an idiot over online gaming services.
Man that guy is being such a heavyfire grunt
by Evolutions May 20, 2010
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Originally used to define untrained general soldiers. Can be used to identify people in groups who blindly follow the loudest, or even the person standing higher than everyone. Fairly mindless and will believe almost anything that they're told.
Guy: See that Kate? She's been writing hate posts about me for a while now, she dosen't even know the real reason why.

Guy2: She's such a grunt bro.
by Kanonymouse March 22, 2011
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