Brown: "red is the imposter"
Some nerd: "it's spelled impostor dumbass"
by Davyjonesfootlocker6 May 23, 2021
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An alternate spelling of impostor that has been popularised because of Among Us because the -er sound makes more sense than an -or sound.
Red is obviously the imposter
You mean impostor right?
by hollowknightenjoyer July 7, 2022
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Someone who is acting sus in Among Us so you vote kick that b out.
Red acting sus he kept on following me he’s the imposter on jah
by Fetuspoop September 29, 2020
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Duh, it’s Impostor.
Still, Imposter is still a word that means the same thing as Impostor, it’s just not the word that is used in the game, Among Us.
Red: Guys light blue is imposter he vented
Aqua: Dude wdym by light blue. Also it’s impostor not imposter. Red sus
*Red is not the Impostor*
by FishlandicFishy November 29, 2020
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