Where the men are men and the sheep are scared. Wyoming women are some of the toughest young men you’ll ever meet
Yes Wyoming actually exists
by Pockets37 May 18, 2022
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Synonym of disappearing.
Person: Oh no I am wyoming unexists
by Skyetheguy August 8, 2022
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A state in the U.S. that only a select few know of. Therefore, conspiracies about Wyoming run rampant, mainly about how the government is purposefully concealing information about the state to keep a doomsday device of epic proportions, housed mostly within its borders, top secret. There is no agreement on what said doomsday device is called, but leaked documents seem to mention something about “stones of yellow…”

It has fewer people than Alaska.

It’s shaped like an oval with corners. IT’S ANOTHER FRIGGIN’ RECTANGLE.
P1: I'm from Cheyenne. You know it?
P2: Oh, you mean the girl who lives a block from me? Yeah, I know her. She's so nice...
P1: No, I mean the city in Wyoming.
P2: The hell's a Wyoming?
by Ace of Fours September 7, 2021
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the act of wyoming indicates one is beginning to wyom.
by CementSandwich July 6, 2022
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A “state” that is a lie made by the government. Wyoming is truly a chunk error in the world that the US government has tried to fix without prevail.
“Wyoming is just a chunk error, just don’t tell the public.”
by The sales man May 25, 2021
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Wyoming does not exist, Only entities live there and the population info is fake. It is a government level top secret area where there is a high malformation in the multiversal reality structure and spacetime. It is a portal to other realities. Apparently, it is where the US government experiments with advanced entities and beings from the other multiverses. Anyone who enters the area will have fake memories implanted by super secret alien technology from area 51. Anyone who says they came from or lived in Wyoming is most likely not human.
Friend: I live in Wyoming!
Me: Hello, is this area 51? I think I found an alien.
by DHGD May 13, 2022
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it is a nonexistant place where nothing happens it a big government secret that the public cant know.
h;lets go to wyoming for our honney moon
l;so you want to end up naked with no memores in canida
l;ok then no going to the nonexistant relm
by Iceman84023 December 8, 2022
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