To Raise Hill one must be completely wasted drunk, obnoxious,loud, have not one fuck to give and having a blast doing it. FUCK SHIT UP!
by OneHotBlondGirl January 7, 2019
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Lay Raise: The result of being fired from a position only you or very few people can fill, only to be hired back at a higher pay rate when the company whom fired you comes crawling back for your help.
So they fired me on Friday, and hired me back on Tuesday, but for more money, because I didn't want to go back for the same. Best three day weekend and lay raise ever!
by LoganPhyve January 31, 2012
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A way of sugar coating the use of child exploitation to physiologically abuse children to the point of mental illness to force Catholicism onto them against their will usually brainwashing them into thinking they chose the faith which no sane consenting adult ever does requiring all abrahamic religion to survive off child exploitation through Religious indoctrination abuse.
Most people who were raised Catholic don't have the mental capacity to leave the faith without forced deprogramming because they were subjected to so much physiological abuse that continues through adulthood.
by 36368876 July 11, 2023
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A buzz word young people mainly Generation Z love to use to make it look like they are changing the world. They will often make a video about some 1st world problem to "raise awareness" and post it on social media. It may involve a "social experiment" to get people's reaction to something. The topic sometimes involves a word with "ism" at the end. It often involves creating a fake scenario, holding up a sign, asking people questions about something to get their reaction or posting a situation that should be kept private with the justification that they are raising awareness. Certain topics tend to become trendy and there will be a wave of videos of others posting the same scenario. Some people end up getting in trouble and say they were just raising awareness as they hold an ice pack on their swollen face.
She walked through Harlem at night in a lingerie raising awareness about cat calling!
by bassman212 September 18, 2023
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Crying on the internet about something you know nothing about but looks sad to you, thinking you will change something, while doing absolutely fucking nothing.
Alex: Oh i see you are wanking. Good job of raising awareness.
John: Oh thanks, bro. I love doing absolutely fucking nothing.
by joemama16829 August 19, 2022
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go f* yourself
You need to raise your endorphins
by April 2, 2021
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When a person uses every color of chip two times on one raise during a game of poker; mostly in Texas Hold 'Em.
Oh my god... Double Rainbow Raise... Double Rainbow Raise all the way across the table...
by thepen15mightier January 1, 2011
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