Oooooh! So the acting it out part is ancillary!? It’s the belief that is more important? Ok. Good to know. I thought you actually had to do the shit that the book says but you don’t have to act it out. You just do whatever you want too. Neat. Ok. Cool. I thought I was doing it wrong.
Hym “Ok. It’s not that I think the people I’m talking about are Fake Christians. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to believe that the creature is real. But you use the book as the basis of your morality. If you’re not doing what the book says, you’re also immoral. By your own standards. And that’s what this is about. When you apply the standards that are being imposed on me to the people doing the imposing. They are just as guilty as I am. And it’s not just the act that you want to control. It’s the discourse. That’s why you don’t want people to listen to me or you want to cherry-pick to which parts they listen. Because if I am too compelling, people do what I want them to do instead of doing what you want them to do. If your logos was superior you wouldn’t need to use subterfuge. You’ve proven that you (And not you, you but you in general) don’t care about people being cancelled. You just don’t think it should be you. I’m not convinced. Especially in light of recent events. They might be more right about you than you care to admit.”
by Hym Iam November 4, 2022
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Christian Brothers Lewisham is wank at soccer and like to fondle eachothers nuts for pleasure, they also lick eachothers asses in the dressings rooms before and after kickoff.

Christian Brothers Lewisham is full of dirty and smelly wogs who are Inconsiderate cunts who lick eachothers balls like a lollipop.
It is known that there are many furry’s within this faggotest place, therefore people should stay away from Christian Brothers Lewisham or you too will get ur balls fundled with.
“Once upon a time, i was at Christian Brothers Lewisham and i had to leave Immediately as i was in the cubical and got sucked off by 15 stinky wogs
by Christian Brothers Lewisham September 4, 2022
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Pretty wank at soccer, think there too shit most of the time but they are a bunch of faggots when it gets to the dressing room. Bunch of ugly and smelly wogs that bat eachother off in the bathroom.
Christian Brothers Lewisham is full of Ignorant fuck tards who sniff eachothers asses like dogs.
“Once upon a time, i went to christian brothers lewisham and I had to leave imminently due to almost being sucked off in the cubicals.”
by Christian Brothers Lewisham September 4, 2022
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To ditch your friends and go home with strange instead.
OMG dude, if I take you out you better not pull a Christian on me!
by OBTwice April 8, 2019
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A boy with this full name is one of the funniest people you will ever meet. He is very funny and not to mention HOT, he’s really nice and will always be there for you. He is very popular and has lots of friends. Never reject a Noah.
Omg Noah Christian Park is soooooo 🥵!
Omg Ik!!
I’m going to ask him out today.
by Poop.pee March 6, 2020
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A school dedicated for the education of Christian values. They center their education around the bible; the staff's mild sexism, covert racism, and blatant homophobic attitudes will truly make you feel right at home.
And even though the school is in a poor area, I can't think of a single time that there has been any outreach to struggling families. In fact, they dedicate most of their money to contribute to the impressive church, and haven't bothered to update any of the student facilities since 1994.

And they tried to cover up a girl getting raped by a janitor.
"I love how the bathrooms smell at Victory Christian School, and I've always felt respected by their staff."
"Haha, wait, are you being serious?"
by Iwassuicidalbeforeitwasironic February 2, 2019
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