A sexual position where the man slides his “pickle” across his partner’s back.
Yo bro. I gave that girl a pickle-back last night.
by Johnny Aye August 7, 2021
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That type of nickname you a special someone who is smooth and slicky and v thick just like a moisty pickle
Boy 1: damnnn now that's a moisty pickle big fella
Boy 2: you right Shawn, she thick as hell
by Likemonalisa March 15, 2017
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The term "sopping pickle" is in direct reference to a post coitus penis (or other phallic sex toy) in which the man (or woman) was exceptional in their performance, thus causing their partner to gush and leave their member sopping wet, even dripping.

The word's origin is linked directly to the members of gaming crew RandomosityTV, Stefan and Corryn. They came up with the name when brainstorming a restaurant concept.

The concept involved scantily clad men and women servers and menu items named after vulgar internet slang such as "blue waffle", "truffle butter", etc.

The concept is currently in work.

Most common use is by the aforementioned gaming crew on the pirate game Sea of Thieves, to which they named their beloved Galleon and hope to have it custom skinned in game.
"He made me cum so hard, I gave him a sopping pickle!"
by Androgynous Alexander March 17, 2018
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This occurs when a male sticks a pickle up a females vagina for a few minutes before pulling it out and engaging in sexual activities. Before climaxing the male will piss inside of the females vagina and sticking the pickle back in
Me and my wife Brenda did the pickle trickle last night and it was pretty intense!
by Pick trickle master July 25, 2021
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when a guy doesn't shower for three days and his nuts get pickled in his own ball juices.
by Butzen Katzen November 9, 2010
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they don't taste good trust me.
Person 1: Hey I have a gummy pickle, do you want some

Person 2: Sure

Person 2: dies
by jElly bEan is cool March 26, 2022
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Havent had sex in a while! so your dick has been in you pants to long like it's been fermenting!
Man my shit pickle dicken I have got none in a while
by Abop2016 March 10, 2016
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