During anal sex, the receiver squeezes his or her anal cavity tightly and immediately starts running, thus dragging the giver around.
How dare he do the tractor pull on me!? I have a bad knee and now, I have a broken dick!
by Doozy pozy November 18, 2017
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You get turned on by tractors and think they’re sexy
A song in the car : she thinks my tractor’s sexyyyyy, it really turns her onnnn
Person : She must be tractor sexual
by Xx_Vista08_why November 18, 2022
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The act of receiving sexual pleasure by taking two tennis balls (anything similar to that size and shape), and preceding to smash/roll them together around the testicles of the recipeant. Thus creating a tractor and plow like resemblance.
Juan and Nick felt like spanking one another's testicles so they proceeded to try out the Kansas Tractor.
by Squishy turd February 9, 2016
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A wild tractor that has been set on a rampage caused by farmers with the intelegence level of a bean. It will seek out the nearest city with sky scrapers and trample them down by running them over with their massive tires. New York City is a hotspot for these deveious tractors due to the massive ammounts of sky scrapers.
Woah did you see that rogue tractor just run over the Empire State Building???
by Mczoodles May 17, 2010
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A friendly "docking" competition. The act of pushing penis tips together to see who gets docked inside of who.
Those guys are going to do a Tractor Push to see who's the stronger man.
by stuffninja October 17, 2015
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cumming on the chest and motorboating them, effectively making motor oil
A : I gave your mom the canadian tractor last night
B : Honestly dude, you know I'm adopted
by UrbanPenguin February 17, 2022
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Sibling of truck-kun, a force to be rekoned with. he managed to isekai kazuma without even touching him.
P1: yo u goin to a coutryside later?
P2: aw yep
P1: ight then watch out for tractor-san tho dont get isekaied out there bro
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